Tag Archives: straighten teeth

I want to fix my cooked tooth

I really want to straighten my teeth, particularly one of my front teeth. I have received conflicting recommendations about what would be the best way to solve my problem and I am just not sure who to trust. My right front tooth is pushed way behind the other ones which means it is very crooked. Do you know if Invisalign is an option for me versus the conventional wire and bracket braces? Or maybe I should have this tooth pulled. Will that give me more options?

– Sal from Texas


Invisalign is a safe and effective way to straighten your teeth in about half the time as traditional braces. Typically if you are an adult and your teeth are crooked, then you are a candidate. Porcelain veneers are another option that can be used to give the appearance of straight white teeth too.

Pulling your tooth would be an absolute last resort. This is because your teeth would always look different because you would have an uneven number of teeth in front. There are many things that can be done today to make your teeth appear straight but it is important that the symmetry isn’t thrown off because you are missing a tooth. Your smile just wouldn’t look right with five teeth instead of six showing. So even if a dentist is recommending this tooth be removed, you may want to seek another opinion.

It is difficult to make specific recommendations without having seen your case. If you find a cosmetic dentist that does Invisalign, that that would be a good dentist to consult with about what is the best treatment for you.

Best of luck to you.

This post is sponsored by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.

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Switching Invisalign dentist

I am an Invisalign patient and every four months I receive retainers. I am very happy with the way Invisalign has straightened my teeth, I am just not happy with my dentist. So I would like to change dentists. Is it possible to continue with my retainers? I don’t feel that I should have to select my dentist due to their certification or affiliation with Invisalign.

-Leah in Texas


There is an ethical obligation by your current dentist to do everything required to ease your transition to another dentist. You should be able to continue with using the retainers through another dentist. You have every right to switch dentists even if you are in the middle of undergoing treatment.

The dental association mandates these ethical standards and even if your current dentist fails to abide, it would not be difficult for a new dentist to create a new retainer. This is even possible without any previous information. The dentist or staff member will make a simple impression to make a model of your teeth, and order it from the laboratory.

Lastly, the new dentist does not have to be certified with Invisalign, although it would be good if that was the case.

Invisalign has a very high patient satisfaction rate, so I’m glad to hear you are happy.

This blog was posted by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.

Did you know you can porcelain veneers is another option to straighten the appearance of teeth.